Recognize a CLAS staff member who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to be of assistance to a faculty or staff member or student. Recognition is acknowledged with a thank you note sent on behalf of the nominator and the Dean.

The CLAS Staff Professional Development Award supports the commitment to job-related continuing education, training, and professional activity. Staff members in the College may apply for this award to help defray the costs of coursework, workshops, training opportunities on or off campus, or attendance at regional, national, or international meetings.

The CLAS Staff Leadership Award is given annually to recognize staff who exhibited exceptional leadership qualities and positively impacted individuals, departments, or the college.

The CLAS Staff Excellence Awards are given annually to recognize CLAS staff members who performed exceptional service or contributed ideas that improved the work of the department or the college.

The CLAS Staff DEI Award is given annually to recognize staff whose work in the college or community has advanced the mission of the CLAS diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic goals creating a welcoming and respectful environment. 

Please consider nominating your fellow colleagues for these awards.