Online submission of Thank Yous is currently in being worked on.

In keeping with the Strategic Plan of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Staff Recognition Thank You Program addresses Goal III—to “creatively support excellence and diversity in our faculty and staff"—and Goal V, to "develop and nurture a culture of collegiality, service and good citizenship.” The basis of this program is to recognize a CLAS staff member who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to be of assistance to a faculty or staff member or student. Recognition is acknowledged with a thank you note sent on behalf of the nominator, the Dean, and the Staff Recognition Committee.

The following are guiding principles for the Staff Recognition Thank You Program and are in support of achieving and sustaining distinction for the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences:

  • Faculty, staff, and students may submit a staff recognition Thank You form.
  • All current CLAS staff (both budgeted and hourly) are eligible to receive a staff recognition Thank You card.
  • Recognition forms will be submitted electronically, and the nominator will receive an electronic acknowledgement.
  • A representative from the Dean’s Office will send a Thank You card via campus mail to the person being recognized.
  • The cost of administering the program will be funded by the Staff Recognition Committee’s budget.
  • Nominees will be listed on the CLAS Staff Recognition Committee website.
  • Nominees will be acknowledged at the Staff Recognition Reception in the spring.


CLAS Staff Thank You card choices