The purpose of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Staff Council is to provide a venue for staff members in the College to participate in collegiate and university-level shared governance.

The CLAS Staff Council:

  • facilitates communication within and between the academic and service divisions about challenges to staff members
  • advises the Dean on collegiate policies and decisions that affect staff
  • provides a conduit for staff to voice concerns to CLAS administration
  • recognizes staff members for their service
  • ensures staff involvement in committees and discussions that affect the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences represented staff


The following duties are expected of all Staff Council members:


  • Serve in an advisory role and make recommendations regarding university/college planning and policy decisions that impact staff.
  • To confer with the Dean on matters of policy regarding the professional welfare of the staff.
  • Promote nominations and opportunities for Professional Development and awards that actively support programs that improve staff recognition and retention and provide organizational and professional development opportunities to staff.
  • Identify need for staff involvement on collegiate committees. and encourage (mandate) involvement of staff members on said committees.


  • Enhance staff communication with CLAS Administration and colleagues across departments and campus.
  • Document the concerns and ideas of the staff, and communicate decisions and policies, which affect not only them, but the University as a whole.
  • Communicate with other shared governance groups on campus.
  • Provide effective, timely, and inclusive communications via the CLAS Staff Council website.
  • Provide the “official” response / representation of CLAS staff when appropriate.

Community (see CLAS Staff Council Bylaws)

  • Continuously work to improve the climate/culture/community within CLAS and strive to improve the employment, general welfare, work environment, opportunities, and policies and procedures that impact CLAS staff.
  • Work to create a sense of community, we will work to enhance a sense of pride in who staff are, what staff do, and the important role staff play. Growing this sense of community and connection will have a real and lasting effect on staff morale and job satisfaction.
  • Connect and engage staff across CLAS units to encourage the exchange of ideas.
  • Promote wellness initiatives and provide opportunities for CLAS staff to engage in a healthier work environment and lifestyle.
  • Keeping the “pulse” of CLAS staff as an attempt to identify, expose issues prior to those becoming problematic, and engage the community on ways to address said issues.

Outreach (see Bylaws)

  • Work as educational link to increase awareness of, and showcase the efforts of, CLAS's many people, projects, and centers across all locations on campus.
  • Increase awareness for sustainability efforts, encourage staff participation in campus initiatives, and explore new opportunities to reduce the CLAS ecological footprint.
  • Promote wellness initiatives and provide opportunities for CLAS staff to engage in a healthier work environment and lifestyle.
  • Encourage involvement in activities which promote CLAS, such as diverse initiatives, professional development, community building and philanthropic activities.


  • Review and revise bylaws and address changes as needed.
  • To conduct such other business as may be assigned to it, except that it shall not assume or be asked to assume authority on any matter clearly delegated elsewhere. The committee shall advise the Dean regarding the referral of any problems and responsibilities to an appropriate committee, when such matters are not clearly within the province of any committee.