The HR Staff Recognition Committee in concert with the CLAS Staff Council Awards Committee submitted a revised budget proposal at the start of the year, which was approved by Dean Sanders. Changes include increasing the value of the staff gift for the Recognition Event for all staff in attendance. There will also be changes to the CLAS Leadership Award which will now be two monetized awards – The committees want to emphasize that this is leadership of any kind and not just for CLAS Staff in unit supervisory roles. Nominations for the CLAS Leadership Award and the Mary Louise Kelley Staff Excellence awards will be due in the first half of February, 2022. The Mary Louise Kelley Professional Development Awards have been awarded for fall 2021 to: George Crull (Chemistry), Megan Petkewec (DPA), Jane Huffman (DIP), and Lynette Williams (DWLLC). Below are links for information about CLAS and University-wide staff awards.
CLAS Awards:
Mary Louise Kelley Staff Excellence Awards -
CLAS Leadership Award -
University-wide Awards:
Improving Our Workplace Award (I.O.W.A.) -
UI Staff Council Awards -
Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship Award -
Tuition Assistance Program -
Diversity Catalyst Award -
The Susan C. Buckley Distinguished Achievement Award for Staff Nomination Form – No link!
Always going:
Thank you Program -
Wellness Heroes -