Articles from September 2021
If you have any CLAS Staff specific news to submit, please contact
October is Campus Sustainability Month
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
An international celebration of sustainability in higher education! The goal of Campus Sustainability Month is to raise the visibility of campus sustainability and provide campus sustainability advocates with a platform to deepen campus engagement around sustainability. In that spirit the Office of Sustainability and the Environment encourages everyone on campus to connect with sustainability on campus, and beyond.
Ruthina Malone awarded David J. Skorton Award for Staff Excellence in Service
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
The David J. Skorton Staff Excellence Award for Public Service is given annually to individuals who have made significant contributions and have shown “exceptional imagination and dedication to improving the university community.” Service must include activities of high quality in staff governance, committee work, policy improvement, program creation, etc. and must be outside normal job responsibilities.
Awards Season
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
The HR Staff Recognition Committee in concert with the CLAS Staff Council Awards Committee submitted a revised budget proposal at the start of the year, which was approved by Dean Sanders. Changes include increasing the value of the staff gift for the Recognition Event for all staff in attendance. There will also be changes to the CLAS Leadership Award which will now be two monetized awards – The committees want to emphasize that this is leadership of any kind and not just for CLAS Staff in unit supervisory roles. Nominations for the CLAS Leadership Award and the Mary Louise Kelley Staff Excellence awards will be due in the first half of February, 2022.